FILTAN is a private German company located in the area of Frankfurt (Main).
Since it was founded in 1970 FILTAN has aquired an excellent reputation in
the natural gas industry as a specialist for filter separation. This reputation
and the fact that we have contributed significantly to the standards of the
separation technology has expanded our list of customers to include all major
natural gas producing companies and gas transportation companies. Especially
we are very proud to having brought one of the newest technique in liquid
hydrocarbon recovery and natural gas dehydration to the world market with
the Vortex Tube Separator.
We are building filters, filter separators and multicyclones in all variaties
Being a specialist on the field of filtration and separation of solid and
liquid impurities out of gas streams, we built separators for pressures up
to 500 barg. Due to their special filter elements they are capable of separating
the finest impurities with a very good efficiency. The FILTAN cyclone was
developed especially for the separation of large quantities of liquids. A
great number of tests inour laboratorium has proven: the FILTAN multisyclone
is superior to other designs in the field of liquid separation out of gas
The Vortex Tube Separator
FILTAN GmbH announced in July, 1999 that the German Thyssengas GmbH in
Duisburg has awarded a purchase order for the supply of a dehydration unit
with a V(ortex) T(ube) S(eparator) for the cavern storage in Epe/North-Rhine
The dehydration unit with the Vortex Tube Separator has a capacity of 140.000
Vnm³/h at a cavern storage pressure of appr. 210 to 40 barg. The performance
test of the VTS was finished in February 2001 sucessfully and the unit went
into operation.